Sunday, October 4, 2009

Flag Rasing

Since Dad retired with the Military, he was presented a flag. We all got up early and headed to the base for the flag raising to honor Dad.
Us in front of China Lake Weapons Center where the flag raising was held. While we were waiting, I took the kids on a walk to "find rabbits" and the funniest thing happened....
The kids were happily looking in this bush for rabbits when the morning horn went off at 8:00am. It freaked Summer and Hannah out and they stared crying. Alli and Em came running over to comfort them. Parker and Ben were the concerned brothers. They quieted down pretty quickly and then the flag ceremony started. Flag Ceremony
Dad was presented with his flag and thanked for his service to the government.
Family Picture!
Most of us hadn't been on the base in a very long time. After the flag raising, Dad took us for a tour of the base. One of the stops was at our old Jr. High...Murray. We all went to school there so it brought back a lot of memories. We had fun walking around the campus.
Michael and his BFF...Einstien!Dad, Parker, and Mom by a cool Rocket...check out how pretty the surroundings are. See there are palm trees on the desert Alli and Becky!!!
Dad helped design the sidewinder mistle (hopefully I got that right)! Pretty impressive. Dad also showed us where he lived on base when he first moved to Ridgecrest and also drove us by the Military CSI.


Russ, Emily, Parker and Hannah said...

It was sure fun looking through the pictures again. It makes me miss everyone!

Alli said...

I loved the flag ceremony! And it was so fun to drive around base and check out the different sites. Go Mustangs!