Friday, August 28, 2009

Michael's Birthday

Happy Birthday Michael!!!!
Steve came home from the hospital to help us celebrate Michael's birthday. It was fun to have a little party for him. The kids were so excited especially Summer. We couldn't find her so started singing Happy Birthday and she can shrieking up the stairs saying that she wanted to sing Happy Birthday. So we started over and she was happy as could be. She stuck to Michael during the celebration.
Michael is a cute birthday boy. Look at that gleamer smile! I'm pretty sure he was laughing b/c Summer was telling us to wait. I love Ethan's expression also! Michael is so easy going and good natured!The big blow...taking after our Dad! Again, look at Ethan's expression. He looks wowed by the big blow. Time to open presentsSteve and Gracie eating rainbow birthday cake.
I love you Michael, I hope this is a good year for you!