Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day

Birthday Girl!
Gracie, Ethan, and Elsa came over for a slumber party and then we spent Memorial Day together. We watched movies (Fantastic Mr. Fox and Astro Boy) and took our time getting ready the next morning. I gave Elsa her bday present since I won't be with her on her actual birthday. I can't believe she is 4! She has such a sparkly personality and heart melting smile. I LOVE her! She cracks me up. We went to lunch and then headed to the park!
We decided to spend the afternoon at Liberty Park. It was so much fun to be there with the kids. They could not believe how big the park was. We walked around the lake and went on rides. We didn't actually get to the play ground. As usual the kids were so good, I love spending time with them.
So we decided we would go out on the paddle boat. My first word of not wear a knee length skirt on a paddle boat. I felt like I was giving a peep show. The kids and I had so much fun. We did end up going around in circles while trying to figure out how to steer the boat. Gracie and Ethan did a great job peddling like crazy and also got the steering down pretty well also. It was fun to see all the ducklings on the lake.

Snow cones at Liberty Park
Fun weekend! I'm looking forward to the next slumber party!