It was so much fun spending Easter with family. On Saturday we had fun dying eggs. Seriously, it was a "crack up" Every egg Parker dyed he broke! Cute little guy! Also on Saturday we went to an Easter egg hunt, well we tried anyway. They started a few minutes early so as we were driving up the scramble for the eggs began. The kids did get to see the Easter bunny and play in the park!

Here are our fancy eggs! Sunday morning the kids got up and went crazy finding the eggs. They found all of them!

Hannah and Parker then went on the search for their Easter Baskets.

Hannah and her Easter basket...she went right for the chocolate!

Parker and his Easter basket. I loved his lamb he got. Parker went right for the peeps!

Emily and I made Easter Baskets for us adults!

This is my favorite Easter picture! Hannah is so cute. It reminds me of when I was one and had a chocolate bunny clenched in my hands in all the Easter pictures.

Easter dinner
(chicken cordon blue, potatoes, asparagus, rolls, and strawberry cake)
It was a nice relaxing Easter!
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