Michael and Ashli had everyone over for a pre Memorial Day BBQ. Their backyard is so nice and the meal was delish! Thanks for a fun BBQ! After dinner we walked down to a farm that had exotic animals. It was fun to spend the holiday with family. It was also nice to reflect on loved ones who have passed away (I thought of Mema a lot) and to pay tribute to those who have fought for our freedom.

I gave Anna a dill pickle and she loved it. Reminded me of when Emily was a baby. She loved pickles.

Ethan thought it was so cool that Ashli and Michael have this torches in their back yard like on Survivor. Elsa by her torch :)

Yum, grilled corn on the cob. Anna sure did love the corn. She couldn't get enough. She worked this corn cob over like no ones business.


Roasting marshmellos for smores! Cute brothers!

This Kangeroo was awesome. So weird to see one on a farm in Utah!

Anna smiling at me!

This guy really was a chomper! We had fun feeding him carrots!