Saturday, February 27, 2010

Slumber Party

I love spending time with Ethan, Gracie, and Elsa. They came over for a slumber party last weekend. We had a good old time. They how cute they are with the Easter sugar cookies they decorated!!

On Friday night I told the kids that I'm not an early bird (they already know that). So had them pick out a movie from On Demand that they all wanted to watch. I told them that when they woke up they could wake me up, I would put the movie on for them and then I would snooze while they watched it. I also made sure they had markers, paper, etc. Ethan gets up super early so I thought the movie would be perfect idea to keep kids entertained and a little extra sleep for me. I said I would get up at 8:00am though. So I figured they would wake me up to turn on the movie at like 6:30-7:00am. At 8:00am on the dot I happened to shift positions and open my eyes. There was Ethan, Gracie, and Elsa standing by my bed..."Good morning Aunt Carol!" How precious! They didn't wake me up early to put on the movie or anything. Gracie and Ethan said that they decided to do art until Elsa woke up, then they would ask me to turn on the movie. Elsa slept in until 7:55am!!!! This just shows you what sweet respectful kids Gracie, E, and Elsa are. LOVE THEM! Gracie and Ethan had colored several really cool pictures :)

On Saturday morning we made pancakes and hung out at my place. The kids wanted to go over to my office. So we brought lunch and headed over. After spending time at my office we went and saw the movie Tooth Fairy!
Elsa loved the doll house in my office, Ethan played in the sand tray and with bubbles, Gracie liked the stuffed animals and the art stuff! I can't wait to have them come over again soon!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Mom and Dad try to come up every year for Presidents Day Weekend and we celebrate Feb. birthdays. I love celebrating with Jaime and Dad! Okay so I've been trying to recover from pneumonia. The first few days were miserable but after that just annoying. It has been hanging on and doesn't seem to be going away. I go into coughing spells and sound like I have emphysema. Right when we took birthday pictures I had a coughing attack and got a bloody nose. It wasn't bad at all; however, I had blood on my nose and face and didn't know. So if you look close I look seriously look freaky!
I thought I was looking cute in this picture with my gifts and then...what the heck! After opening presents, Ashlie served cheesecake with raspberry sauce!

Dad and Mom took us out for a birthday dinner at a fun Mexican Restaurant in Spanish Fork. The food was really yummy and they brought us a fancy ice cream treat to celebrate. Thanks mom and dad! It is so nice to celebrate with family!
On my actual birthday I worked all day. The girls in my Girl's group brought me roses, chocolate cake, bubble bath, and wrote me super sweet letters. The other therapists I work with also did nice things to make the day fun. I felt very loved...I got phone calls, emails, texts, and visits from all my closest friends and family. It reminded me of how lucky I am to have so many fabulous people in my life! The weekend following my birthday friends took me to lunch, dinner, shopping, and the movies to celebrate. Thanks everyone!

Bean Museum

We went to the Bean Museum at BYU. It was pretty impressive. At first I thought it was going to be a few rooms filled with stuffed animals (big teddy bears all different colors, etc) know, the kind you had when you were little. I was pleasantly surprised when we got there!
My favorite was the "Liger!"
Fun group shot!
At first Elsa was nervous about the animals but quickly adjusted. She kept going to the smaller animals and saying "Isn't this a cute little guy?" It was adorable.
Mom and Gracie went on a Museum scavenger hunt. They found everything on the paper! Go mom and gracie!!!!

Ethan loved the Rhino
Look at those scary grizzly bears :)
Dad and Mom by what looks like a friendly "milk chocolate" bear! We had a fun time being silly and enjoying the museum. There was also a whole art section.

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!The kids with their valentines! They had also made cute valentine cards for each of us. I love mine!
Getting ready for dinner
Valentines dinner turned out really good. We had chicken Marsala, Greek salad, garlic bread, fun drinks and for dessert...
Chocolate covered strawberries!
I love this picture of mom and cute!

Planes, family, and fun!

Mom and Dad came to Utah for Presidents Day weekend. It was so much fun to spend time together as a family. We had a fun filled weekend. On Saturday we went to Ogden to visit Aunt Cheri and Aunt Noni. We spent a few hours at the Air Museum.Dad, Steve, Mom, A. Cherie
Gracie, Ethan"E Bird" doing his thing.
Seriously...Grace looks like she could be auditioning for the new Bond Girl! She is fierce.
This was one of Steve and I's favorite planes...we called it "The Tiger" after well, Tiger :)
Ethan's loved this shark plane
Dad, Gracie, and Ethan by a Sidewinder Missile
"The Propeller Girls"
I was surprised at how cool this museum actually is!! It was a fun day. After we went we went shopping and to dinner. Then Mom spent the night with me and helped me prepare my lesson for Sunday. She is amazing and I learned so much from her. We also had fun just chatting and being together. I wish Mom and Dad lived closer.

Gracie's Birthday

Happy Birthday Gracie Girl! Gracie got a bunch of beads and jewelry making stuff for her birthday. She worked hard on this necklace and is quite the little fashion designer. We laughed pretty hard b/c I didn't know how to put the clasp on so she couldn't wear it without the beads falling off.

Gracie with some of her presents!
Happy birthday sweet Gracie...I love you!