My pretty sister! We decided to get ice cream and take a walk on Huntington Pier.

This is the only picture I have of the 4 of us...trouble that my eyes are closed. I love Huntington Pier. It is so relaxing and a fun place for the kids also. Huntington Beach always reminds me of trips to the beach when were younger and of course of Mema!

I loved walking on the pier watching the surfers and looking for seals and dolphins. Some guy caught this huge stingray. I was glad the stingray got away! Ben kept given the surfers a thumbs up when they would catch a wave.

Ben thought it was hilarious that he could put his hamburger in his mouth with no hands. What is a trip to California without going to In&Out. We went several times.

I love this picture of Summer. She is so cute. She loves In&Out that is for sure!

We went to one of my favorite stores by Alli's house...Trader Joes. The kids thought it would be so cool to wear there costumes to the store. People kept commenting on how cute they looked.

I was just getting ready to put Summer and Ben to bed after reading them a few stories. It was sad for me b/c I knew I was leaving the next morning so this would be my goodbye. I had a fun time with Alli and the kids.