Sunday, August 30, 2009


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fun Times with Alli and kids

I had so much fun with Alli and the kids. We of course had to hit a chocolate store and then headed over to Liberty Park. Here are the kids with their bags of candy!
This picture is weird of me but it is the only one I have of me and the kids! I sure do love them.
Here is Ben at the top of the climbing wall. Summer taking a break to have a few cheetos
Summer and I got sick while they were up. Summer and I spent 2 full days on the couch. Neither of us wanted to move. We did make time for ice cream and watched Horton Hears and Who and Curious George multiple times. Even though we were sick, it was fun to have bonding time with Summer. Summer being silly with her ice cream. I think she looks so much like Alli when she was her age. Ben loved markers and painting. I was impressed at how well he can stay in the lines. Ben loved my work. We went there on two occasions. I have tons of art supplies and toys so he had a good ole time. We went to Park City over night. We ate at this restaurant in Deer Valley that overlooked a lake with ducks. It was really pretty.
Alli sure looked cute in her green dressWe explored all over the hotel. Ben especially loved the waterfall. He would tell me "Mommy and Summer can stay in the room and we can go explore, okay Aunt Carol?" It was cute and we had a good time. Alli and I made Lettuce Wraps for dinner. After the kids went to bed we watched "Confessions of a Shopoholic."
We had a view of the swimming pool so Summer and Ben wanted to eat all of their meals outside on the patio. The next day we headed back to Salt Lake and went to a matinee, shopped at Target (one of our favorite places :) and then went out to eat. I was sad to drop Alli off. I sure do miss them and I'm so glad that I get to see them in a month.

Birthday Games

There is nothing like a family game of Hungry Hungry Hippos. I remember playing it as a family when I was younger. Alli is sure a cute little sister...this was serious business for the kids. Thanks Ash, a good idea to capture the action. We also played the Wii, which is always fun!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Michael's Birthday

Happy Birthday Michael!!!!
Steve came home from the hospital to help us celebrate Michael's birthday. It was fun to have a little party for him. The kids were so excited especially Summer. We couldn't find her so started singing Happy Birthday and she can shrieking up the stairs saying that she wanted to sing Happy Birthday. So we started over and she was happy as could be. She stuck to Michael during the celebration.
Michael is a cute birthday boy. Look at that gleamer smile! I'm pretty sure he was laughing b/c Summer was telling us to wait. I love Ethan's expression also! Michael is so easy going and good natured!The big blow...taking after our Dad! Again, look at Ethan's expression. He looks wowed by the big blow. Time to open presentsSteve and Gracie eating rainbow birthday cake.
I love you Michael, I hope this is a good year for you!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Family Fun

After visiting Anna in the hospital Alli and I took Gracie, Ethan, Elsa, Ben and Summer to hang out at Steve and Jaime's house. That way the cousins could play together and Steve could spend time with Jaime and Anna at the hospital. Ashli and Michael also spent the day with us.How cute are Elsa, Gracie, and Summer having a summertime treat?
Ben loved playing with Ethan's toys....especially the storm trooper outfit. He loved it when Uncle Michael would chase him. Summer does love a good donut and yes it is a Krispy Kreme! She looks so sweet!
I had so much fun with Ethan. We played catch several times throughout the day. I love his determination. That is Ben in the background. He is getting ready to ride Gracie's old bike.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Baby Anna

I am so excited about my new niece Anna. She is so adorable. Anna reminds me so much of Gracie and Ethan when they were born. Alli and I couldn't wait to go to the hospital to meet her.
Alli and Ben in front of the hospital
What a cute family...Anna is a perfect addition!I love this picture. Gracie and Ethan gave Anna lots of loves.
Jaime and Anna
Jaime looks so fabulous!
Alli, Steve, and Anna
It cracked me up to watch the boys check out Anna.
Welcome Anna!

Alli, Ben, and Summer!

I haven't seen Alli for over a year. That is the longest we've gone without seeing each other in years. I am so glad that she gets to stay 10 days in Utah! I have missed our sister time. When I picked them up at the airport Ben and Summer were waiting on the curb and gave me big hugs. Let the fun begin! (By the way, I'm not sure what is going on with my camera and/or my editing. My pictures have not been vibrant lately, hmmmm). We went straight from the airport to Cafe Rio! After lunch back to my house for frog cookies and swimming.
Ben and Summer had no fear in the pool. They would jump into the pool over and over to Alli and I. Ben was so cute, he could jump in and then swim to us and then swim to the edge of the pool. He is so little but swims like a fish.After swimming, we spent several hours at Target. Summer loved these kitty slippers. They didn't have her size but she could work them over. We all snuggled on the couch and watched Horton Hears a Who.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Steve's Birthday

Jaime made a yummy dinner and also a lemon cake to celebrate Steve's birthday. Steve has such a great personality. He is hilarious....especially playing the Wii (I almost wet my pants watching him play the canoe/rowing game)! Thanks for being such a good brother, Steve!

Make a wish!
There was a lot of birthday love....everyone loves Steve!
What a sweet picture of Gracie and Elsa!Ethan following in his Dad's footsteps....check out his Dodger's hat and soccer shirt!Carol and ElsaAsh (aka Gamer) and ElsaMichael chilling out getting all rested to play the Wii! Seriously we laughed so hard and just had fun hanging out. I am so glad I live near family. Jaime, thanks for a great dinner. Steve I hope this is a great year for you!