For Father's Day Weekend we went to Michael and Ashli's time share at the Canyons. We had a great time. As soon as we got up there, we went to Cafe Rio! It was pouring rain so we were glad to get back to the condo. Gracie and I watched Nancy Drew while everyone else went swimming. The Condo was really nice. There was a nice kitchen, a big jetted tub, steam showers, etc. We all decided to bring our favorite snacks....check it out

Fun times!

Holy Cow...we had everything!

I was gone for Elsa's birthday so I brought her present up to the condo. She is so sweet!

We played Apples to Apples, which was so much fun. We all had a midnight snack (chips and
queso) before heading to bed.

On Father's Day we made breakfast at the condo. Jaime made a delicious breakfast casserole. We also had donuts, lots of bacon, and OJ. Ashli and Michael gave us a tour of the resort (condos). We couldn't believe what a maze it was. There were indoor pools, outdoor pools, game room, grocery store, activities center, etc. We were planning to take the gondola up and hike; however, it was raining and most everything was closed. We decided to go to the outlets instead. I hope Steve had a good Father's Day. I love watching him with his kids he is such a good Dad. I can tell the kids think he is the best ever. We all had such a good time in Park City together we are planning to go again next month! One more getaway before Jaime has her baby. Look how fabulous she looks!!!!