Melissa and I met in our Master's program. We clicked right away and became close friends. We spent a lot of time together studying, doing projects, and giving each other pep talks throughout the program. One of my favorite memories of school...Melissa, Teresa, and I studying for our Psychopharmacology class at my pool. We made tons of flash cards and would hang out at the pool all day quizzing each other. We knew how to make studying fun :) She is a talented person and I know will make a fabulous therapist. Melissa is one of the most positive, optimistic, fun people I know. Melissa I am grateful for your friendship. Thanks for being one of my best friends!

To celebrate Melissa's birthday we went to lunch. One unique thing about Melissa is that she can't stand any type of vegetables. So we went to a steak house!

After lunch we of course went shopping. Ashton was so good. He especially liked looking at the jewelry. He is so good natured and a great shopper!

Happy birthday, Birthday Girl! I love you tons!